Basic Information
Major: civil engingeering
1999.11-2003.9 Zhejiang Tongce Architecture Design company
2003.6 Master degree from Zhejiang University
2003.10---- Zhengjiang University of Science and Technology
Main Research Interests
1. Cast-in-site R.C. hollow slab in shear-lag phenomenon
2. Cast-in-site R.C. hollow slab in heating isolation study
3. Building Code on R.C.
Recent Papers :
1 Shear-Lag Phenomenon in Cast-in-site Reinforced Concrete Hollow Floor System
2 现浇预应力混凝土空心楼盖剪力滞后效应的分析与计算
3 现浇混凝土蜂巢芯空心楼盖技术经济分析
4 Thermal Isolation Character of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Floor