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Staff men's basketball team won the school basketball league

At 6:30 on the evening of October 25, 2017, the final of the men's Basketball League of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology was held in the basketball hall of Xiao He Shan campus. With the support and support of the Party committee and the administration, our college eventually won the championship.
This competition is a duel between College of civil engineering and architectural engineering and School of Informatics. All the players came out of the game and came out of the game. The game opened in the clear whistle of the referee. All players are full of spirit, staring at the basketball, set up the formation, ready to take off. A series of pass, block, turn, dunk, and finally successfully put into. With the action of freely flowing style of writing consummate skill, our college won the audience bursts of cheering. The first two games ended, the two teams scored the same, but then became the leading score of College of civil engineering and architectural engineering. Eventually, College of civil engineering and architectural defeated the School of Informatics by 78:55, and won the championship of the basketball league.
The basketball tournament lasted six months, each player in his passion and effort to convey the pursuit of excellence and perseverance. After five years to win again, showing not only the building men's basketball style, but also to enhance the cohesion of the construction workers, the indomitable struggle, never give up the spirit passed to every construction student.