Every year students graduate from ZUST. Before their graduation a committee of Distinguished Professors verify the students’ skills and knowledge acquired throughout the four-year undergraduate program. The various department within the ZUST Fraternity intensively carry-out this exercise.The four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering prepares the graduates to enter professional practice as an engineer or to continue their studies and earn a master's or doctoral degree. The degree program is designed to offer depth in the course material considered essential for all civil engineers along with the flexibility to select elective courses that meet students' interests and expose them to the breadth of civil engineering specialties. They contribute to society in numerous ways, so civil engineers must master the technical aspects of our work while also learning to effectively work with a wide range of people and with professionals in many different fields. During the Occasion the students’ code of dressing has clearly indicated a great respect for the panel as well as the institution at large. Design was the popular thesis the students were defending, including structural design, foundation design; etc. Since the students have undergone the required procedure it remains within the authority of the panel to decide and gauge the four-year degree program of every students’ knowledge and skills.