Five students from Germany had a short-term visiting in our school ,Richard Rittger come from Coburg university of Applied Science, Lis Gillen, Atharina Ritter and Leon Ronnenberg who came from Jade university of applied Science and Dennis JuergenZwalinna who came from FachhochschuleLübeck - University of applied sciences.Theygot a cordial meeting with the Secretary of the communist party of our college Zhan Jun,and with Professor Cao and Huang and Luo chao .
This is the first time for them to come to China except Dennis and will stay one semester. Theyintroduced themselves,Institute of construction, and they also introduced their respective tasks and time, and expressed the joy and expectations of the visiting. Some of them have work experience, they are trying to find suitable topics and research for themselves .Some of them are still undergraduates and studying courses with Chinese students and the international students of the Institute of construction ,and the credits they receive here will be admitted by homeschool. Various activities and visit activities will be carried out .Hope they will have a good time in the ZUST and have a great harvest!