Students of China-France cooperation class had a travel in France in middle of July. The project is a good communication of the students from China and France. From 6th, July to 26th, July, 34 students went to University of Cergy-Pontoise – UCP. The aim of this acitivity is to promote the friendship of two school and to develop Chinese students’ French level. And it is also a tuch of French culture and city. The French teachers gave them lectures and they went to construction site and company to have a visit. Competition of bridge medols encourage the students to learn and do the structure by themselves. They also visit the museum, mayor’s office, gym ARENA, Effiel Tower, Montmartrean and so on.

The University of Cergy-Pontoise – UCP is a national university among 17 national universities in the Paris area. The UCP is an attractive centre of teaching and research which hosts international students interested in studying in France during a semester, an academic year or a longer stay to obtain a degree. UCP is a cultural, scientific and vocational establishment whose faculties include major disciplines such as law, economics and management, international studies and modern languages, humanities, science and technology, and science of education. UCP also hosts Institute of Technology (IUT), Teacher Training College (ESPE), and Institute of Political Studies (IEP). Every High school Chinese graduates can apply for entering this class from 2013. Most of the courses of this class are given in French. Cooperative school is Cergy-Pontoise University.