Green tea is popular in China, expecially in Hangzhou. The most famous tea is Longjing and White tea. Tea is closely related to people’s life. Structural Teaching and Research Office (STRO) hold the second session in this semeste.
One of the topic which presented by professor Feng Qingxing is green tea in spring. The second topic is Plugging and reinforcing by professor Ma Xiaodong. He gave an example of concrete reinforcing in one sewage treatment project. The concrete and steel bars are destroied by the environment which full of wastes of industry. And the third one is presented by professor Huang Zhuye, the best goodbye is never to leave.
The school’s secretary of the communist party committee and vice dean Shen Shusheng attended the salom. He said “STRO’s core competence needs to be refored by the session”and he has great hope for STRO’ s future.